"Remember as far as anyone knows, we're a nice normal family- Homer Simpson

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Four month Dr. appt

I love going to the doctor for Elliotte.  It is fun to see how much she has grown!  Yesterday she had her four month appointment and when the lady nurse called us up to check in she thought she had made a mistake.  You see, Elliotte is huge for her age.  The nurse responded surprised when we had to reassure her that this was indeed Elliotte and she was only four months old.  It made me proud of my big healthy baby.
Unfortunately she had to get her next round of shots.  The first needle didn't seem to phase her all that much she just had a confused look on her face, but the next one you could definitely tell she felt it.  She turned bright red and screamed like a champion.  The Doctor said she was a very happy, healthy baby but one problem for the future might be her bottom eyelashes.  Apparently due to her rather large cheek region her bottom lashes are getting squashed up against her eyeball.  She said that when Ell gets older and thins out (If that ever happens)  the problem will hopefully fix itself otherwise we might need to do a procedure (whatever that would be, shave em?)
Here are some picture to document our adventure.
Elliotte's stats
Weight: 17 lbs <95% tile
Lenght :27 inches <95% tile

The smiles before the storm
So clueless to what is about to happen...
Aw dang it!

My parents suck.

When you want her to love you again, feed milk.


  1. But, Mom, IT'S FUN TO BE ME! I see the shirt!

    Good job, Ell!!

  2. Josh & Erin:

    She is adorable even when she is crying, but she had every right to cry when she gets those shots. I am sure she will thin out when she get up on those feet and starts walking all over the place and running. Josh was a big baby too well after he started eating solid foods, he thinned out nicely. I just love the pics it is almost as good as being there, but being there would be the bestest.

    Mamo Wendy
